Specialty Courses & Discipline Orientations

We offer introductions to all disciplines and specialties as defined in the GPA/DFV Instructional Manual.


Formation Skydiving

Canopy Formation




Photo- and/or Video Camera

Accuracy/Off-Field Landings

Spotting & Despatching

Night Jumps

Canopies with 1.5 lbs/ft² or higher Wingload

Demo Jumps with Flags and/or Smoke

Wingsuit Flying

AIRCREW Fallschirmsprungschule | AIRCREW Military | Frank Carreras | Kapellenweg 11 | 84546 Egglkofen
Telefon +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 50 | Fax +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 51 | Mobil +49 (0)177 - 77 55 747 | E-Mail info@aircrew.eu