We offer DFV/GPA, USPA and ISIA AFF instructor training and rating courses.


Prerequisites for the DFV/GPA AFF Instructor Rating are

  • 500 freefall jumps,
  • 5 hours of total freefall,
  • an aeromedical certificate and
  • a current German Instructor Rating.

Non-Germans are eligible to achieve a DFV/GPA "Certificate of Training as an AFF I" with their national instructional rating.


Prerequisites for the USPA AFF Instructor Rating

Please check out the USPA requirements in the USPA Instructional Rating Manual "IRM" and on the USPA AFF Instructor Proficiency Card.


Prerequisites for the ISIA AFF Instructor Rating are

  • 500 freefall jumps,
  • 5 hours of total freefall,
  • an aeromedical certificate,
  • a current instructional rating and
  • 3 years in the sport.

AIRCREW Fallschirmsprungschule | AIRCREW Military | Frank Carreras | Kapellenweg 11 | 84546 Egglkofen
Telefon +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 50 | Fax +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 51 | Mobil +49 (0)177 - 77 55 747 | E-Mail info@aircrew.eu