...For those who don't dare to jump, we also offer sight seeing flights. Generally we roam the bavarian skies in high wing airplanes like Cessnas that allow for the best bird's eye view of the beautiful panorama.


Let your dream of flight come true. Experience the feeling of unlimited freedom. Take off into the skies and take a look of the world from the bird's point of view. Decide on a route and enjoy yourself.


Contact us and reserve a flight ticket for yourself or as an extraordinary gift. Usually we take off at a variety of airfields in southern Germany. However other starting points for your adventure might be possible on an individual request. Just ask.


Type / seats incl. Pilot
Motor glider (e.g. SF 25) / 2 Persons
Cessna C150 / 2 Persons
Cessna C152 / 2 Persons
Cessna C172 / 4 Persons
Piper PA 28 / 4 Persons

For sight seeing flights Cessna types are used preferredly. These popular high wing airplanes allow for the best angle of view of the landscape below.


You can fly all year round between sun rise and sun set (weather permitting).
However, an appointment well in advance is required.


Prices depend on flight duration, airfield, type of aircraft. Please enquire.

Safety First

Even though we only operate at cost and not-for-profit, safety always comes first. If the safe conduct of a flight is in question, we won't take off. No compromises.

AIRCREW Fallschirmsprungschule | AIRCREW Military | Frank Carreras | Kapellenweg 11 | 84546 Egglkofen
Telefon +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 50 | Fax +49 (0)8639 - 70 70 51 | Mobil +49 (0)177 - 77 55 747 | E-Mail info@aircrew.eu